10 Interesting Facts About Counter Strike - Listcold

10 Interesting Facts About Counter Strike

CS is an acronym for Counter-Strike, a first-person shooter game that is highly tactical and widely known in the world. Released under the name Half-Life: Counter-Strike, the first version was even called the 3rd-party Half-Life Modification, but it was not long before it was released. Must be with Half-Life and become a whole bunch of games just because of its great gameplay. Therefore, you should know more about it, and thus this list was born: 10 Interesting Facts About Counter Strike.

1Growing rapidly since publication.

At the beginning of 1999, two game developers, named Minh Le and Jess Cliffe, wanted to create a game centered on the conflict between terrorism and counter-terrorism. Eventually they decided to create a mod for the recently released game Half-Life. On June 19, 1999 the first public beta was released and the gaming community
absolutely loved it. So much so that the two developers didn't even have to make any maps themselves. Because right from the beginning, fans would simply submit their own through the official website. Popular fan created maps like Dust, Siege, Nuke, among others became essential parts of the game's early development. In other words, Counter-Strike was a major success. Valve, the creators of Half-Life, quickly took an interest in the mod and by Beta v4.0 began assisting the developers. Half-Life, quickly took an interest in the mod and by Beta v4.0 began assisting the developers. By the end of 2000, Valve had actually hired the developers and released Counter-Strike as a stand alone game. The franchise quickly grew in popularity to become one of the most popular first-person shooters on the market. Even today, the original Counter-Strike is among the most popular games on Steam with the most recent installment, Global Offensive, at the very top.

2. Counter-Strike prequel for Left 4 Dead.

It's possible that the Counter-Strike series
is a prequel to the Left 4 Dead franchise. You see, a few areas and maps in the Left
4 Dead games can also be found in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The maps are of course remade but the resemblance is still quite obvious at times. These overlaps can be found throughout the game and it makes you wonder if the two series are actually part of the same universe.

3. The arcade version of Counter-Strike.

Much like the arcade version of Half-Life
2, Counter-Strike: Neo is the arcade version of Counter-Strike. Released sometime in 2003, the game is only available in Japan and is some form of futuristic shooter with cyborgs. Basically a reskinned version of the game made to appeal to a Japanese audience. Three other spin-off titles has been made as well titled Counter-Strike: Online 1 and 2, and Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies.

4. The Counter-Strike tournament was held in Russia.

In 2009, a small Counter-Strike tournament between the two Russian teams Virtus.pro and ForZe was held in Russia. The event promised a night of competitive gaming between two highly ranked eSport teams. But the sponsors of the event had a slightly different idea. They decided to make things a little more interesting by secretly inviting a couple of strippers to see if the players would get distracted. The women did all they could but the competition went on as usual and the players seemed completely unfazed. Well maybe not completely. I guess Counter-Strike players are just really dedicated to the sport.

5. Some characters in the Counter-Strike.

The names of some of the bots in the games are actually named after real people. For example, on hard difficulty there's a bot named Gabe as a homage to Gabe Newell. There's also a bot named Dave after the creator of maps like Dust, Dust II, and Cobble. In expert mode, two bots can be found named Minh and Cliffe as a reference to the original developers. On normal, there's a bot named Chris who's named after the creator of maps like Aztec, Inferno, and Frantic.

6. Killed in a delivery.

Has a player in a game ever made you so angry that you wanted to actually kill that person in real life? Back in 2010, a man in France decided to play some Counter-Strike. One particular match ended with him being killed in a knife fight. The man got so angry by this that he decided to spend the next 7 months tracking this guy down. When he finally found out who he was and where he lived he traveled to his house and when he opened the door, he stabbed him in the chest with a knife. Luckily for the victim, he missed his heart by a few centimeters, so he survived the attack. But seriously, how do you go seven months without thinking.

7. Graffiti piece on Dust II map.

On the highly popular map Dust II, you can find this piece of graffiti that reads Goose. This isn't exactly a secret since the area is often referred to as just Goose. But not everyone knows why though. Goose is actually a reference to one of the creators of the original mod, Minh Le, whose online nickname is Gooseman.

8. Suspended for creating a map of Counter-Strik.

In 2007, a student at a school in Texas was suspended simply because he created a Counter-Strike map based on his school. This happened in the wake of the Virginia Tech shooting where 32 people where killed. Because of the heightened sense of fear caused by this, schools around the country were on high alert for any suspicious activity. So when teachers realized that a student had created a level in a game where the objective is to fight terrorists and planting bombs, things got out of hand pretty quickly. Police got involved and it was seen as some sort of minor act of terrorism but the boy
was never actually arrested. He was however, kicked out of the school and was forced to transfer to a new one. All because of some poor timing and a harmless map in a video game.

9. All radio commands and conversations.

All the radio commands and dialogue heard in each installment was recorded by co creator Jess Cliffe. It wasn't until Global Offensive that each faction received their own unique voice actors. Thus replacing most of the originals. But not all though. For example, the final messages like or still remain.

10. In Counter-Strike: Source on the map Inferno.

In Counter-Strike: Source on the map Inferno, there's a room dubbed the boiler room or just boiler for short. In Global Offensive, they either forgot or choose not to include this room and players quickly noticed. So in late 2014, Valve updated the game to include this boiler. This created a minor outcry within the community as players thought it was kinda strange that Valve would update something as trivial as this while still not fixing many bugs in the game. This escalated even further when the map received yet another update where they removed the boiler again and instead placed it here, in this pickup truck. This turn of events quickly turned into a sort of running joke or meme if you will, and the boiler has since been found on other maps as well.

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